what have i been called? let's see, freak...four-eyes...dumbass...lots more, though i prefer to be called just 'sophie'.
much more cultured, isn't it?
yes, i am disliked. don't ask why. i'm sure i could come up with a list of reasons, but i'm conceited and i care only
about myself (so i have been told) and i hate criticism towards myself.
what is a prunk? i've been called that. there must be a thin gray area between prep and punk that i overlap (not too
hard, anyway).
unicorns? yes. voices? maybe. faith? not now.
-snippits and gobbets-
my current pets, if you will, are dreamscar and glorious oblivion. few of you will know what i'm talking about. those
that do know this already.
right now i'm reading wizard and glass by stephen king. i plan to pause my reading to work on my novel-ish
with the working title (you guessed it!) dreamscar.
i love my animals. there's a quote i love that goes 'i am i, because my little dog knows me'. animals are divine and
lovely and people need to respect them.
music keeps me sane. right now there are four songs that i listen to. automatic flowers by our lady peace, down poison
by 3 doors down, down in me by allergic, and down by fuel. if you have a chance, listen to automatic flowers. i think
it is just so tragic and cryptic. very cool.
glass diamonds...
Nothing is more painful than realizing he meant everything to you, and you meant nothing to him.