Mercury's Star
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Shoutouts to People
You know who you are, but I'll throw you on here anyway. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you shouldn't be here looking!

A Shoutouts page lets me say hello and share a few inside jokes over the web. Here's an example of a format I might use.

Karesha: ya know... LOL. that's all. science was great.
Alicia: woo! i *still* remember having my locker below you... yours was number 69 the year before last, actually.
Justine: pudding! yeah, someday i must learn to dance as the justine. :: nodnod ::
Rachel: brains and a slight bad streak. what else is there to say but 'you go girl'! x.x;
Abby: NEVER EVER let that darkside fade' i am gonna remember that night FOREVER!
Savannah: my peaceful and just friend. i know you're all good but i'm still wondering about what stephan said during history, that one time...
Austin: no... you didn't show up that one night. remember new year's? the walkie talkies?
Kate: let's face it...we may not be friends anymore but whatever we've got is partly thanks to NH.
Jeff: yeah, you're one of the most unconsciously popular people in the class. no one messes with pimperton.
Stephan: eyes! remember all of the stuff in mr. lucero's class? priceless.
Mack: why are you always so shellshocked? lol
Jason: your display pic.... ugh...
John: one of mrs. l's favorite, heh.
Jared B: okay... if i would ever suspect one person to seriously do some damage, it would be you... :: shiver ::
Jake: that time you knocked levi over... that was funny!
Michael: the better drummer...i the auxillary percussionist...
Jessica G: why? why did you have a lower locker?
Jessica D: gymnastic! someday you must teach me about sheep.
Joe : the oscar... the piranha... too much time after school x.x
Josh: err.... gecko!
Kayla: i will never tell you that you look like avril. i sat next to you first in math class....scared for my life, did you know that? i thought you were gonna beat me up -_-


bobbie - we've been apart, yes, but i still consider us bff... hurry and get the internet fixed so you can come talk to me :(

kimmy - kimmyka! woo! say hi to your family for meh.

kelly p. - dang, you were just cool, okay? lots of stuff to remember how about you tripping over that fence in the dark?

wes - fake cocaine!

melissa b. - pixi sticks and pop are evil! i finally watched the entire movie of 10 things i hate about you, *finally* and that is such a lurvely nice movie, heheh.

reese - 'hi!'

reese's friends - hello to you as well

chris - :: shudder :: chicken abuser you! i still haven't found my potato pellet gun... you lost it.

davy - get my butterknife back now!


okay, i'll admit, malta is the coolest town i have ever lived in!



. the worldly people . *under construction*
(sorry all these are concise... i could probably write three pages for everyone, but i won't)
aleks - it's my fault. for the record, i'm sorry for whatever grall-ness it caused you, if there is any. RRRRRRRRRRRR!
aya - the almighty master! muahaha. you officially hold the title of 'able-to-tolerate-sophie's-chatter-the-longest' and i applaud you for it. hi-hooooo ^^;
tidus - no sleep = unsafe fun ^^  especially when you have detention the next morning. MANSON IS THE GOD OF FUCK! heheheh. cory... :: snickers ::